Got my jab last week.
Very well organised vaccination center. In and out in 20 minutes. Go a shot of Pfizer. Stirred, not shaken, with three olives.
I didn’t have any side effects this time. So far, so good.
Now the concern seems to be the Indian variant, which is rapidly becoming the dominant variant in the UK. So maybe they won’t be removing all limitations next month after all.
Most countries which had very widespread contaminations developed their own variant, in Italy the “English variant” had huge success.
Here they actually call it “the Kent variant”. Must be something like the “Crema Inglese” (or Crème anglaise), which doesn’t exist in England. Then the “Brazilian variant” . The “South African Variant”. Now the “Indian Variant”…
I wonder why we didn’t manage to market an “Italian variant”. We are usually good at this stuff! Everybody would have been happy to get the Italian Variant. It would have been way more stylish and expensive than all other variants. An opportunity missed. Come to think of it, there hasn’t been a very successful US of A variants either. No Starts and Stripes variant.

The weather got a little warmer today, hopefully we are at the end of this endless cold spring.
I have a few meetings booked for the next weeks. In person. In town.
There’s a whole new sensitivity around meetings, everyone has a different perception of risk and is more or less willing to travel/meet/engage. There’s a whole new language around asking politely if somebody wants to meet in person or if they would prefer a zoom call.
I guess I’m more or less in the middle of this spectrum: I’m very cautious, get tested all the time (you can get free lateral flow tests here, which is a great thing), wear my mask. But at the same time I’m happy to start booking a few meetings in person or hang out with a few colleagues in our office.
Stay safe. Be kind. Get a Martini.