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Updated: 18-12-2005; 18:34:42.

 Lunedì, 7 luglio 2003

I have received some emails from friends concerned about UserLand. There is a lot of good energy and good people around these tools. I do believe that there's still a lot of great things that can be done. The key is: how do we do them, have fun (and make some money for everybody in the process?).

Hint: it start from sales.

Looks like Mr. Safe has been calling around almost everybody I know...
We're testing a new feature on k-collector: each topic has now an RSS 2.0 feed you can subscribe to.

For example, this is the RSS feed of the RSS Aggregators topic.

A next step should be allowing users to generate feeds from lists of topics they are interested to.

While until yesterday they were mostly about weblogging tools and services, for some reason this morning all google ads on my weblog are about pay per click stuff (one is even pointing to a 404 page!). There's something wrong here: google decided that this is what readers of this weblog care about, which I don't think it's true (I don't).

Of course, now that I'm using the term "pay per click" in a post, the google search engine will be even more convinced that this is appropriate, and there's no way for me to change that. I don't like it.

If this is going to continue, I guess that I'll get rid of these ads pretty soon...

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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.