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Updated: 18-12-2005; 18:09:39.

 Martedì, 27 agosto 2002

I really didn't expect weblogs to change the way I met with people.  This was a surprise. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

I totally agree! I did meet in person a few people I knew from their weblogs, and it's kind of weird. What I find amazing is that somehow you already know these people, to the point that I almost interrupt them saying "oh, you have already told me that" when what really happened is that I read that sometime on their weblogs.

I have just got off the phone with Jean-Yves (alson known as the first JY of google ;-) after about one hour discussing Radio, Frontier, IdeaTools, markets and life in general. Hopefully we'll meet some time, but even this conversation was very very interesting.

Weblogs not only changed the way I meet with people, they also improved the quality of the people I meet!

Curry FM

You can read Adam's today's post here or you can listento it here.

It's very interesting... some random thoughts.

First, it makes it much more personal, since you are hearing the voice of the author, so in a way you are using one more of your senses to understand a person. I've never heard Adam's voice (well, I might have heard it from back on MTV, but I can't remember it).

Second: you notice how voice... doesn't support hyperlinks. Listening to a weblog post makes you want to click on some words... which you can do when you are reading the written version of the post.

This would probably make sense if more users would start doing it. I mean, I can easily upload this post on my iPod to listen to it when I'm driving, but I would hardly get our from my garage before it's over.

Maybe, audio blogging is more suitable for essays than for daily posts.

Last, I would never do this. Mostly because I'm shy, my English is not very good (I would have to re-record many times to get it nice), I don't particulary like the sound of my recorded voice (yes, I know that it's what everybody hears).

Anyway, I'm looking into auto uploading rss mp3 attachements to my iPod right now .

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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.