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Updated: 18-12-2005; 18:08:18.

 Domenica, 25 agosto 2002

To Michael Rogers who asks how frequently a person writing a weblog should update. My answer is As frequently as something happens and you have the time or inclination to write it up... [Scripting News]

It's true, a weblog should be updated very frequently. But sometimes I just don't know what to write, just like in the last few days (well, I'm also supposed to be on vacation, so I wasn't always on-line). Anyway, there's nothing I feel like writing about so I don't post anything, so nobody links, so traffic goes down, so I feel alone in this big world, so I must think about something, anything, to write to get back into the loop.

Weblogging does make you think, this is the beauty of it! .

Krzysztof Kowalczyk's Weblog: Aggregation is not enough.The way you define problem determines how you'll approach solving it. Sometimes that makes a big difference. Let me give you an example: writing RSS aggregators is now en vogue (I see a new one every day). But those programs never go out beyond solving "I want easily aggregate RSS feeds". But is getting RSS feeds really a core problem? No. The problem is bigger (and less well defined): we want to get new information on topics of interest to us. RSS feeds are a partial solution, but it has weaknesses. You have to actively look for feeds that match your interests. RSS feeds usually cover more topics than you're really interested in but the burden of filtering uninteresting news is on you. What would happen if people tried to write "news gathering/filtering software" instead of "RSS feeds readers"? In my opinion we would get better software.

Practical tip: before solving a problem think a bit to find out if there isn't a larger problem wanting to be solved.

Partially I agree, this kind of application can still be significantly improved, but I'm not expecting any breakthrough in the field of automatically filtering relevant contents, and I think that news aggregators offer a huge advantage today. Here's why.

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