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Updated: 18-12-2005; 18:08:00.

 Martedì, 13 agosto 2002

More about Les, my favourite (and so far only) ThemeTool customer: this is a theme he creates some time ago, with a beta version of ThemeTool and Dreamweaver, while here (look at the bottom of the post) there's the story of how he started using the tool.
Thanks Les!!

I just received from the bank the first transaction confirmation, we have the first customer, now we are really in business.

Can you imagine Jeff Bezos thanking each Amazon's customer on his weblog? Well, I'm not Jeff Bezos, this is not Amazon and, most of all, I have a weblog!

So most probably I will keep thanking each new customer .

Can I Kiss You, Paolo? Dave says via Scripting News "Hey hey hey, Paolo is opening his store. Here's the intro. Maybe I'll do a couple of tools, just for a little Tuesday lunch money, and to help bootstrap Paolo's store."

I just went to check out Paolo's store site-- I'm in love! His THEME TOOL is the product I've been praying for! (No offense Dave, but building a theme in Radio is a PITA.) Theme Tool is supposed to allow me to use my WYSIWYG editor to set up themes for Radio! (APPLAUSE!!!!) I'll be downloading it this afternoon. So save me a seat, please? As soon as Paolo gets Paypal or something set up to take US dollars, I'll be happy to pay for it! [Mary Wehmeier]

Well... I guess that love is better than money, so I should be happy with just this post . However we do take US Dollars! Just click on the "add to you shopping basket" link and, after filling a form, you will be taken on our bank's site where you can make your payment (secure connection, we will actually never see your credit card number: you are giving it directly to a major bank). The transaction is going to be done in Euros, but your credit card company will manage the currency conversion for you, so you won't have to bother about it. Currently Euros and Dollars are about 1:1, meaning that 29 Euros in this very moment equal $28.38.


Literally minutes after I blogged about our new store (well, actually minutes after Dave blogged about it) I received an e-mail from somebody at PayPal asking if I had considered using PayPal to accept payments on the site.

Wow, this is good marketing!

I did consider PayPal, but at the moment there's no way to transfer funds to an Italian bank account, meaning that I could accept money but then there would be no ways to actually get that money. In a very quick email conversation he said that they are working on it. So, hopefully we'll be able to accept PayPal payments soon.

August 2002
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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.