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Updated: 1-03-2006; 17:22:41.

 Martedì, 7 febbraio 2006

Sunday morning I played a little with the new version of GarageBand and I recorded my first podcast (MP3, in Italian). While I was checking my log files to try to figure out how many people dowloaded the files, I noticed that googlebot has downloaded the AAC podcast. Maybe the spider was confused by the .m4a extension... or maybe google is indexing podcasts.


Apparently Microsoft is the last of a pretty long list of companies coming out with a product that support RSS without really getting the whole point.

Or maybe I have a distorted vision of how RSS feeds should be consumed because I have been using Dave's readers for the last years. My problem is that I'm not getting what I would really like from any of the available readers. I'm using bloglines now, which has a good number of the features I want, but not all of them.

So, here's my list:

  1. I want a "River of news" approach. I'm perfectly okay with very long web pages. Actually I love scrolling quickly trough long pages with lots of news coming from my sources, I have become very good at spotting what is interesting for me.
  2. I want to be able to divide my reading list in groups. There are some feeds that I want to read more frequently then others. I usually hit my "friends" group several time per day while the generic "news" group only one or two times
  3. I want web access. I work regularly with 2 computers at the same time, I want to be able to check my feeds from both. And even when I'm at home. And when I'm visiting friends.
  4. Mobile access. I'm reading my feeds from my cellphone quite frequently in these days. It allows me to be updated every time I have a few seconds available. I want a version of my rivero of news page optimized for cellphone browsers
  5. Reading lists. Reading lists are a good idea, I want my aggregator to support them. The way I would like to see them integrated is by having special kind of groups which are automatically updated by OPML reading lists
  6. POST button next to each news item. This is one feature I miss most from Radio: I want to be able to send anything from my aggregator to my blog editing tool in one click. Regardless of what blog editing tool I use.

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2006 Paolo Valdemarin.