Windows .Net Server now due in mid-2003 [IDG InfoWorld]
.Net in mid 2003? This what I've been hearing for a while now. Not sure of what this implies, but il looks like we have at least 12 months to lead the revolution before The BigCo will actually start deploying anything.
Now, this could also mean that fellow BigCos will wait until mid 2003 (or later than that, since the are not usually very fast adopting new technologies) before embracing the web services approach.
Apparently all this delay is due to security (or lack of) for the new Microsoft server software. It looks like companies have finally started to consider security an issue, and thus have stopped using IIS which has some quite serious security problems.
During the whole Microsoft trial, one of their main points have been about them leading the development to benefit users, from every POV that I can think of, they are now slowing the development.