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Updated: 18-12-2005; 17:53:43.

 Mercoledì, 10 aprile 2002

Ken Rawlings: " "Radio's News Aggregator is such a compelling way to read content that there are very very few sites left that I actually surf to daily. Now, with RssDistiller and 5 minutes of my time, I don't even have to go to those. :-)""

Of course this is why we developed the tool: to get rid of all those links to check in the browser toolbar favorities. Now everything is in the aggregator, and I gained 20 pixels worth of screen estate. "Should I be bitter that RssDistiller gets more noise than Stapler? (I am, at times.) Should I have chosen a better name, one that more obviously screams "I TURN STUFF INTO RSS!"? Is it a design and documentation issue? Is it because Stapler isn't pretty like RssDistiller, with its tabbed interface and eVectors' bumblebee colors? Am I wrong that it's difficult to specify what one wants out of a page (ie, how hard is that in RssDistiller)? Was I wrong to have a feeds concept that aggregate sources? Should I reimplement feeds as a special source scraper? Obviously I should figure how to share sources, since RssDistiller does that. I should probably make Stapler not autonumber new feeds and sources. I haven't worked on the refined interface yet (and if I make a radical change to the feeds thing, I shouldn't, yet)."

I don't think that any of us should be bitter while doing a job we like and helping people to work or to express themselves better like we are all doing.

Stapler and RssDistiller are both fine tools, each with its own unique features and unique bugs. We could get together and try to build a better product. Or we could simply continue our development and get inspiration from each other software. Peace, uh?

the issue i found with remote edit was documentation. (i.e. there isn't much.) here's what i found out working with it: [dix: radio blogging] follows a short but very good list of tips, worth checking if you downloaded RemoteEdit

You are right, there is not much documentation for RemoteEdit or RssDistiller yet. This is because they are still in beta version, and not all features are set. The good news is that we are working also on documentation and that by the time we will release version 1.0 of these tools there will be plenty of examples, tips, tricks, FAQs, etc.

Meanwhile, we are offering support to whoever is contacting us via email.

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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.