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Updated: 18-12-2005; 18:28:02.

 Lunedì, 14 aprile 2003

Jon Udell has posted the topic for his keynote talk at OSCOM. Perhaps I'll talk about OPML and directories. I want to zero in on something we can all do together to move Content Management forward. I want to see OPML directory renderers in all environments, not just UserLand's. What better place to spread the gospel than OSCOM? Maybe we can come out of the conference with a revolution in our pockets? That would make me happy. [Scripting News]

The way topics and types are currently distributed within ENT1.0 applications is OPML. Our own centralized aggregator will automatically create directories of posts using Types and Topics and, guess what? That directory is based on OPML and can be edited using a Radio tool.

Until now we had always simply used OPML because it made sense within our internal structure, it was not our intention to make the directory available to others in OPML format. But techically speaking it would be very easy to do and if this would contribute to the development of all directories it would be great to do it.

Since we posted the ENT1.0 Specs last Friday, we got linked on more than 30 sites and received some excellent feed-back. Thank you to everybody.

Now... what's next?

Well, of course, we are working hard to try to be the first ones to support the protocol that we designed.

Within a couple of days LiveTopics 1.1.3 will be available, so at least some RSS2.0/ENT1.0 feeds will be available to play with.

Next we are working on a new centralized aggregator. Murphy willing, there will be a first version available at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, while a final version should be ready for BlogTalk in Vienna.

What we are going to do is a relatively simple application, just to start showing the benefits of topics and types in RSS 2.0 feeds.

The other very important development front is enabling more weblogging tools to support ENT1.0. While Radio is going to be covered by LiveTopics, there's Manila, MovableType and other applications that, as of today, we don't even know how to approach. Another front which should be explored is supporting topics within personal news aggregators. I believe that some interesting news about this will come soon.

We have received quite some interest also by companies working on other kind of knowledge management systems. This is great, since as soon as they will start supporting the specs, they will also be instantly compatible with any aggregator.

April 2003
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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.