20 Years

Last weekend was the 20th anniversary of my first posts on this blog.

Well, it’s not really this blog. It wasn’t a blog back then, it was a weblog. And it wasn’t running on WordPress, it was running on Radio Userland. And I wasn’t even using this domain name.

It’s a bit like that idea that all our cells change every few years, but we stay ourselves. We just get older.

“20 years” is something I find myself saying more and more often these days. I’ve been blogging for 20 years. I’ve had that pair of shoes for 20 years. I’ve known that person for 20 years.

There isn’t anything special with “20 years”, it’s just that it suddenly went from meaning “a lot of time” to meaning “just recently”.

So, this is it, I don’t have much else to say about this, but I didn’t want the date to just drift by. I guess that something that changed recently is that I feel much less compulsion to broadcast what I think, and I don’t miss it at all.

Well… maybe not just recently… more in the last 20 years.

2 thoughts on “20 Years”

  1. Congrats! FWIW, I’ve ditched ‘compulsion’ and ‘broadcasting’ recently where recently [0…20years], and focus on the ‘log’ bit mostly and as ever the extend to which that leads to conversation. Let’s have a chat soonish.

    1. I really enjoy reading your logs, it’s a great way to keep a connection open with your friends. Between your blog and E’s, I feel you are a constant part of my life (but… not in a creepy way ;-). It’s a beautiful thing. I should do more of this too. Can’t find any good excuses to justify my laziness, no matter how hard I try.

      But yeah, let’s have a catch up some time!

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