Yesterday I broke my TomTom Go navigator mount kit. Since it was not hanging from the windscreen anymore, I found out that I could simply put it behind the driving wheel. I loose some information from the dashboard (but the engine doesn't go above 4500RPM, I don't care at what speed I'm going if it's below 40Kmh and I can live without the on board computer info), but I have the sat nav information in the best place: right in front of me.
How long before cars will provide a specific place for custom devices like this?
Most modern cars offer built in satellite navigation nowadays, but the truth is that the built-in devices usually are pretty expensive and, compared for example to the software of my TomTom, they suck. And it's pretty obvious why: since I got it I already updated the software of the TomTom a couple of times connecting it to the internet, while built-in systems are almost never updated. The problem is that cars' technology evolves at a much slower pace: my car is 5 years old and it still works pretty well while consumer electronics have a much shorter lifespan, let alone software.