Forrester Research has released the results of a study on podcasting and listeners' habits. Interesting.
But if you want some real data, here's my very little and very indipendent study. At the end of my last SundayPodcast (in Italian), I asked to my readers to send me an email just to check how many of them are actually listening to my rants and not simply downloading them. The data I gathered follows:
- according to the log files, the podcast has been downloaded 103 times in the last 5 days
- 76 users downloaded the AAC version (linked in the RSS feed), 34 the MP3 version (made available as a link in the post)
- 50 users downloaded it with iTunes
- 23 listeners sent a confirmation via email
- some members of my family listen to my podcasts
- nobody in my company does
Tags: podcasting
10:24:37 AM
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