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Updated: 7-02-2005; 14:14:00.

 Martedì, 11 gennaio 2005

I like Apple but...
I like Apple, I have been using Apple computers since Apple II and never switched to anything else, but this whole thing about Apple's lawsuits is ridicolous. Ed Foster on InfoWorld puts it nicely:
An army of drones marches into a theatre to the harangue of a giant, Big-Brotherish figure on a mammoth screen. Suddenly, a young woman sprints down the aisle and starts to hurl a sledgehammer toward the screen. Before she can release it though, she is surrounded and pummeled by a team of balding, briefcase-wielding men. "That's the Apple legal team in action, enforcing our intellectual property rights," chortles Big Brother Steve Jobs. "Welcome to Macworld, sweetheart." [via Macintouch]
Apple is doing a great job marketing their bigger asset: their brand. They must use a very tight control on their communication to manage it and so far they have been very successful.

This of course means no weblogs, which sounds weird today.

While Steve Jobs keynote at MacWorld has probably already started, I cannot watch it streaming because this year they are not broadcasting with. There are no real time updates on the web because I understand that this year there's no wifi at the conference.

I mean: tomorrow morning I will end up buying something at the Apple Store, but I hate not being able to complain with somebody about Apple right now.

PS: apparently wifi is working.
The RSS subscription solution
Good morning and happy new year to everybody.

Dave has a very reasonable solution to the old "subscribe to feeds" problem. I like the idea very much.

I would suggest to make data mantained by the server (meaning the OPML list of feeds) public only if users will decide to make it public: somebody might prefer not to make the list of what they read public. Of course, this will create the need to develop some kind of authentication method to let applications access the XML file, but a password should do the trick.

Good luck :-)

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2005 Paolo Valdemarin.