My mail is out this morning. If you've sent an email and are waiting for a response, well, there's nothing I can do until it comes back on. "It's even worse than it appears." [Scripting News]I'm more or less in the same situation. And my email works. Well, kinda.
I have spent the last 10 days almost completely off-line. Coming back yesterday I found more than 1000 spam or virus related messages waiting for me in my mailbox.
It's not only that email is broken, it's simply not reliable anymore. I might have missed important messages because they have been killed by my anti-spam application (no way I'm going to go trough those 1000, I have already deleted them) or they might be simply be sitting there, lost in the very loud background noise.
Let's get back to the early email days: if you are sending me an email, call me immediately on the phone to warn me ;->
3:34:47 PM
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