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Updated: 19-12-2005; 9:45:34.

 Venerdì, 13 febbraio 2004

Perils of publishing.

Charles Herrera sent an email yesterday saying that he has a whole new impression of blogging after watching the talk I gave at Microsoft on Monday. It was a gratifying email for another reason.

He says: "To someone who has read Scripting News since the start, but who is not involved in scripting or blogging, it has seemed to me that on occasion you have been forced into a grumpy mode. Sometimes words on a screen don't always convey the sense of the person underneath. Of course, the 'grumpy' that I saw, or thought I saw, comes probably from the flames all around you."

[Scripting News]

Yesterday I watched part of Dave's talk at Microsoft too and I had more or less the same feeling Charles Herrera had. Actually I did meet Dave a couple of times a while ago and he's always been very kind to me. But over time the Dave I read on, on mail lists or even in personal email did "overwrite" the Dave I had met in person.

Now, this probably applies to all of us: no matter how many smileys we can add to our posts, email messages and IM conversations, our image projected by what we write is very different from what we are in person.

While we should all keep this in mind while reading what other people write and know that we are only seeing a tiny bit of their personalities, we could also try to figure out how to improve this. A little (quite good quality btw) video of Dave helped. Do you have a camera at hand?

Microsoft source code leaked out. The software giant says part-blueprints of its Windows operating system have been leaked on the internet. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]

I've always been told that Linux is secure because all source code is available on the web. Now they're telling me that Windows is not secure because some source code has been leaked on thw web. Who knows... maybe some hacker will fix some bugs ;-)

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