...Yesterday I was interviewed about weblogs, maybe for the 800th time, and I said again that the diff betw weblogs and mail lists and Usenet is that anyone can have the last word any day on a weblog. The stop energy is much lower....
But the question is, will Dave, at age 47, with a heart that's already shown serious signs of wear and tear, risk going back into the fray.
[Scripting News]
A few days ago, discussing with somebody (I can't remember who) I said that probably one of the most important days in weblogs history is when Dave Winer closed the scripting.com discussion group and told everybody "If you want to comment on something I write here, do it on your own site" (at the same time offering free Manila weblogs). It's not only about the stop energy, it's the feeling of ownership that a weblog (your weblog) offers and that discussion groups simply don't.
PS: about the final question... I think that you should, and probably you will, both at 47 and at 74. .