While I'm writing this, I'm watching Steve Jobs introducing Xserve and thinking.
Tomorrow we are going to deploy an IdeaTools standard set up, which is made by two servers, one running Windows + Frontier, the other running Linux + Apache. So far this kind of approach has give us all the advantages of a dynamic server (Frontier) plus the reliability of Linux and Apache, plus on the Linux server we can run database engines such as mySql or PostgreSQL and do all kind of tricks between the two environment. Thanks to our synamic rendering technology, we can also easily move the load between the two server mantaining the main dynamic features of web site pages.
Even if the two servers set up still provides some advantages (for example, the two servers can montor and backup each other), now it looks like we could merge the whole set up into one server.
Something I had not realized is that these servers come standard with two Ethernet interfaces, so also running the two web servers on separate IP addresses is going to be much more simpler than it is today. As far as we are concerned, this could truly be the ultimate server platform.
The question is: will our customers be willing to accept an Apple server? So far we've been using IBM servers (notoriously you'll never get fired for buying IBM) and also a Microsoft OS (disabling IIS makes it remarkably reliable). I just hope that the public will understand that we are talking about a Unix flavour and that these servers will actually be as reliable as they claim. I guess that I'll have to order one now...