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Updated: 29-11-2002; 3:57:34 PM.

Managing multiple weblogs with Radio

After last week's post about managing several weblogs with Radio I have received requests for more info from some people.

Most probably the issue has been covered before, anyway, here's how I do it.

What you need

Assuming that you will upload the secondary weblogs via ftp on the other servers, you will need an ftp account on these servers and to know the http address of your ftp directory. In other words, if your ftp account allows you to upload your weblog, for example, on this directory of this server:


You will need to know if that directory is accessible via http at the address www.yourdomain.com/yourName or, for example, at yourname.yourdomain.com like in my case.

As you can read on all better manuals if you can't figure this out, ask your sys admin .

Once you have this important information, proceed as follows:

1. Create a new category for your new weblog

  • Make sure categories are enabled in this page
  • Go to the new category prefs page
  • choose a name and a description for your category (notice, this is going to be the name and description of your weblog)
  • check the render this category in HTML box
  • if you want to ping weblogs.com check also the second box
  • pick a theme for your new weblog
  • If you want, pick a language
  • Hit submit

This will create a new category.

2. Add your ftp account password to Radio

For security reasons, Radio can store passwords for you and prevent them from being saved into simple text files. To add a new password go to this page:

Choose a name for the password (a good idea is something similar to the server you are going to upload your weblog to) and insert the password twice in the fields below.

If you want to edit your password at any time, you can do it in this page:

From now on, when you will have to insert the password in the #upstream.xml file, you will insert the Name of the password and not the password itself

3. Create the #upstream.xml file

Find the directory containing your new category, it should be in:

/Radio UserLand/categories/nameOfYourCategory/

Now, download this file and open it with a text editor:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<upstream type="ftp" version="1.0">
<username>YourFtpAccountUserName</username> <passwordName>TheNameOfThePassword</passwordName> <server>ftpServerUdel</server> <path>/</path> <url>http://HttpServerUrl/</url> <mode>passive</mode> </upstream>

Edit the file as follows:

  • Username: is the username of your ftp account
  • passwordName: is the name of the password you created previously (not the password!)
  • server: is the url of your ftp server (without ftp://)
  • path: is the path to your directory of your ftp server (if there's no path, leave just a forward slash / )
  • url: this is the url your weblog will be served from
  • mode: is how the ftp session is going to be handled, it's safer to leave "passive" as this will work with most servers

When you have finished editing the file, save it inside your new category folder.

4. Upstream!

Now, go back to your local radio home page at

and you will notice a set of check buttons under your standard editing area. The first check button is named "Home" and it's checked by default. If you check also your new category box and try to post something, the post will be publishd both to your standard weblog and to your new weblog. If you want to publish only to your new weblog, uncheck Home.

5. Caveats

Most themes are not build to be used in this way, this mean that most probably clicking on the "home" link of your newly created weblog will take you to your main weblog and not to the home page of the weblog itself.

The good news is that if you know how to do it, you can customize the new weblog theme editing the #template.txt and #homeTemplae.txt files inside the category folder with any text editor. This will only change the look of the secondary blog.

There are several other tricks that can make a serial-blogger life easiers, if you need help click here: Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog..



Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

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© Copyright 2002 Paolo Valdemarin.