Last Sunday I flew back to London, so now I’m on day #5 of my 10 days compulsory quarantine for people travelling back to the UK. It’s strange to be back in my flat, lots of memories of the last quarantine. I’m also getting daily calls from UK government track and tracing team, reminding me every day of the rules to follow (I do wonder if this is the best way to user their time).

The trip was quite good. Almost no people at the airport in Venice, plenty of room on the flight, I got from landing at Heathrow to walking into my flat in about 50 minutes. Never had it so good.
My groceries were delivered perfectly on time, I have booked both my vaccine shots, and I’m adding actual in person meetings to my calendar. As smooth as China silk.
I turned 50 last week. While I appreciate that it’s just a day like any other, I have the feeling that I’m at the beginning of something new. We’ll see how it goes 🙃.
Stay safe. If you can, go get a beer.
Congrats on your 50th!
Thanks Ton!