Another month flew by, and not much has changed. The sun is rising about 20 minutes earlier than at my last post, and we should be gaining another 40 minutes this month. This is relevant because every morning I wait for some light before going out for my walk: my days are getting noticeably longer.
I have finished listening to Obama’s audio book (interesting but long), and I’m now enjoying P.G. Wodehouse read by good ol’ Stephen Fry. Always a pleasure.

In other news, we have just posted a new episode of our podcast. If you want to hear Euan and I chatting about current things, you can find us on Apple, RSS or just clicking below.
You will appreciate how careful we are about finding new problems without ever trying to find any solutions ;->
Not much else to add, I’m still in Italy, with no real plans to head back to the UK anytime soon (perhaps mid-March?). It looks like they are doing a much better job at vaccinating people than in the rest of Europe, so it will be worth going back just to get in line for my jab.
That’s all for today. Toodle-oo, pip-pip and all that.