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Updated: 29-11-2002; 3:58:34 PM.

SharedOutline Beta

SharedOutline is a Radio UserLand tool that lets you share outlines with other users, meaning that many users can not only subscribe to the same outline and receive notices when it changes, but also that all subscribers to an outline can modify it (one at a time).

SharedOutline will be distributed as a suite of two tools: SharedOutline (that you can download below) and SharedOutline Server, which will be available in a few days.

For this beta test we are providing the server service from our own servers, but for the final distribution you will have to run your own server, so keep in mind that all outlines that you will create on the test server will not last for long and that what you write in these outlines is going to be public. SharedOutline Server will work both with Radio and Frontier and requires Radio Community Server.

If you have the tool ActiveRenderer by Marc Barrot, you will be able to see your SharedOutline in your browser, so it's a good idea to download it now.

Send feedbacks to SharedOutline@evectors.it


Download the tool here.

1. Drop SharedOutline.root into the Tools folder inside your Radio application folder.

2. Point your browser at the home page of the Shared Outline desktop web site:

3. You will be prompted for your name and email address which will be sent to Evectors to obtain a license code for the one-month trial period.

4. Explore the tool starting with the home page of the desktop web site or the SharedOutline sub-menu of the Tools menu in Radio UserLand.

Screen shots

The list of the SharedOutline you are subscribed to in Radio.

Editing an outline. Right-clicking on the wedges shows the name of the author of the specific line.

The list of outlines you are subscribed to in the tool's home page.

A shared outline rendered in the browser.



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© Copyright 2002 Paolo Valdemarin.