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Updated: 29-11-2002; 3:58:23 PM.

Playing with stats

After about two months (63 days) of webloggin' life, this morning I spent some time playing with the stats for this site.

So far the server has distributed about 25,000 pages to 8,639 users. Spiders and robots have been filtered from the stats, so it should be real people. Also my company IP addresses are not counted.

What I find really interesting (and a little scary) is that apparently 351 people are visiting my site at least once a week. Even if it's not an incredibly big number, it makes me feel responsible.

In all the pros vs. amateur discussion, I believe that one of the most important issues are readers. It's not important if you're a pro or an amateur: if you have readers you feel some responsibility. Most probably, if you don't feel it you will loose your readers. And this apply both to pros and amateurs.


Of course, I have no way to know who is visiting my weblog, I do get some feedback via email of comments on my pages, but most of users in my stats are just anonymous IP numbers.

There is an IP address I recognize, and it's by far the more frequent visitor. It's Dave, well... it's an honor, thanks. FYI, Dave always comes visiting from weblogs.com, so make sure that you are pinging that site at every update.

The site is getting traffic from all over the world: 71 countries listed, including one single visitor from Niue where, given that there the population is at 2,124 I must be very popular .


The top referral site is, of course, scripting.com. A link on scripting.com usually moves about 3/400 visitors.

The second referral is meaning that a lot of readers are Radio users (and also that the news aggregator is becoming an important reading environment).

The most popular story (also the one that got most links) is the one about running Radio from my iPod.

Search engines

Not much to say about search engines in blog-world. Google is the benevolent monopolist of the whole scene. Traffic from other search engines is below 3%.

As far as search terms are concerned, RSS Distiller is the top hit, with "download dreamweaver mx" following. Overall, if you want to get some serious traffic on your weblog, post "You will not find a Dreamweaver serial number here", you'll be overwhelmed.

Browsers and Operating systems

The most used browser is IE6 with 35% of users. Curiously Netscape 5.0 is third with 12%. I had not seen such an high positioning for Netscape for quite a long time.

Windows 2000 is the leading OS at 27%, with MacOS X second at 17%. It looks like this is still a large MacOS users community. Linux is at 3.37% and apparently there are still a few Windows 3.1 users out there.



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