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Investor Series

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At Activate, of all the questions we get from startup founders, those that feel most urgent are all about fund raising and approaching investors. So we thought that it would have been interesting to approach some investors, ask them a few questions and make a podcast and a video!

We worked with the amazingly good team of T/F/D to organise the show, find the right people and put the whole production together.

The idea is simple: over a few weeks Stephanie Forrest and myself will be asking the same questions to a bunch of different types of investors. Some basic stuff (what made you become an investor?), some challenging stuff (what investment do you regret?) some low hanging fruits (what is the top tip for a startup pitch?).

We then chat about other topics: what it means to invest in the UK, how much should an investor get involved in a startup, what kind of startups do different investors prefer.

In this first… uh… season we are starting with five investors, starting on Thursday 7th. You can subscribe to the podcast on the web site, or you can follow our YouTube channel. Enjoy.

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